Herewith be a sample of said reviews:
“Imagine Donald Westlake and his alter ego Richard Stark moving to Ireland and collaborating on a screwball noir and you have some idea of Burke’s accomplishment.” – Kirkus Reviews (starred review)So there you have it. It’s been a long and interesting journey for THE BIG O ever since it first appeared, and said journey takes a new twist next week when, having bought back the rights from HMH, I e-publish the novel for the very first time.
“Burke has married hard-boiled crime with noir sensibility and seasoned it with humour and crackling dialogue … fans of comic noir will find plenty to enjoy here.” – Booklist
“Carries on the tradition of Irish noir with its Elmore Leonard-like style ... the dialogue is as slick as an ice run, the plot is nicely intricate, and the character drawing is spot on … a high-octane novel that fairly coruscates with tension.” – The Irish Times
“Declan Burke’s THE BIG O is full of dry Irish humour, a delightful caper revolving around a terrific cast … If you don’t mind the occasional stretch of credulity, the result is stylish and sly.” – The Seattle Times
“Delightful … darkly funny … Burke’s style is evocative of Elmore Leonard, but with an Irish accent and more humour … Here’s hoping we see lots more of Declan Burke soon.” – Kansas City Star
“Faster than a stray bullet, wittier than Oscar Wilde and written by a talent destined for fame.” - Irish Examiner
“THE BIG O is everything fans of dark, fast, tightly woven crime fiction could want ... As each scene unfolds, tension mounts and hilarity ensues.” – Crime Spree Magazine
I’ll be posting a link to the e-book next week, but for now I’m going to run a competition with a bit of a difference, and one aimed at those readers who have already read some of my books to date (EIGHTBALL BOOGIE, SLAUGHTER’S HOUND, ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL).
The idea is that, if you’ve read any of those books, and have the time and inclination to post a review to Amazon, Goodreads, etc., then you’ll be entered into a draw to win one of five signed hardback first edition copies of THE BIG O.
If you’ve already reviewed a book of mine, of course, or posted about one on your blog or website, then you automatically qualify.
All I need you to do is post the link to your review / blog post etc., in the comment box below. Naturally, I’d be very grateful if you could find it in your heart to click the Twitter button, give it a mention on Facebook, et al …
The competition will be open until noon on Thursday, March 7th. Et bon chance, mes amis …
I reviewed 8 ball boogie here:
Thanks for that, JJ. You're in the hat, sir ...
Happily reviewed this fine novel!
Much obliged, Conor. You're in ...
Here's mine:
Thanks a million, Nessy. The hat starts to bulge ...
Sweet deal. SLAUGHTER'S HOUND is here:
Here's my New Mystery Reader review of THE BIG O:
(You'll have to scroll to the bottom of the page, but those who do will be rewarded with a link to an interview with you.)
Here's mine:
Still haven't read "Slaughter's Hound" yet...
-Rick Ollerman
Much obliged, chaps. Very kind indeed ...
I reviewed "Slaughter's Hound" on Amazon. I don't know how to do the link thingie. I don't always trust my reviewing ability. I will say something on Facebook when I figure out how to do it.
Lil - your work is done here, and your support over the years truly appreciated. You're in.
Here's my review of 8 ball -
Much obliged, Seth. You're in the hat, sir.
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