For those of you unfamiliar with the novel, by the way, the blurb elves have been wibbling thusly:
Who in their right mind would want to blow up a hospital?So there you have it, and thank you kindly, Mr Bruen. Other generous commendations run as follows:
“Close it down, blow it up - what’s the difference?”
Hospital porter Billy K is a man on a mission: to highlight how vulnerable hospitals are, and to demonstrate how easily they might be demolished in a terrorist attack.
But no one is listening. Deranged by logic, driven by a perverse passion, Billy may have to blow up a hospital in order to prove his point. Only his creator can stop him now, the author who abandoned Billy to his half-life limbo, in which Billy schemes to do whatever it takes to get himself published, or be damned …
“ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL is unlike anything else you’ll read this year … Laugh-out-loud funny … This is writing at its dazzling, cleverest zenith. Think John Fowles, via Paul Auster and Rolling Stone … a feat of extraordinary alchemy.” – Ken Bruen, author of AMERICAN SKIN
“A genuinely original take on noir, inventive and funny. Imagine, if you can, a cross between Flann O’Brien and Raymond Chandler.” - John Banville, author of THE SEAABSOLUTE ZERO COOL will be published next month by the good folk at Liberties Press, and should be available for pre-order any day soon. Rest assured that I’ll keep you posted …
“Stop waiting for Godot – he’s here. Declan Burke takes the existential dilemma of characters writing themselves and turns it on its ear, and then some. He gives it body and soul … an Irish soul.” - Reed Farrel Coleman, author of EMPTY EVER AFTER
“Declan Burke has broken the mould with ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL, which is actually very cool indeed. Funny, inventive and hugely entertaining crime fiction - I guarantee you’ll love it.” - Melissa Hill, author of SOMETHING FROM TIFFANY’S
“If you want to find something new and challenging, comic crime fiction is now the place to go … Declan Burke [is] at the vanguard of a new wave of young writers kicking against the clichés and producing ambitious, challenging, genre-bending works.” - Colin Bateman, author of NINE INCHES
“ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL is a surreal rollercoaster of a read, full of the blackest humour, and yet poignant. An outrageously funny novel ... The joy is in the writing itself, all sparky dialogue and wry observation, so smooth that when it cuts, it’s like finding razor blades in honey.” - Deborah Lawrenson, author of THE LANTERN
“Burke has written a deep, lyrical and moving crime novel … an intoxicating and exciting novel of which the master himself, Flann O’Brien, would be proud.” - Adrian McKinty, author of FIFTY GRAND
For those of us who not connected with the Auld Sod, when will it be available in North America , and will it be available for Kindle?
I like the cover. I think it fits the tone of the book, at least what I understand the tone of the book to be.
Looks good, and ditto Dana King's question. Exciting times.
I'm looking forward to it.
And another ditto to Dana's question.
Dana, Glenna and Lil, I just ordered, or I guess pre-ordered one through Book Depository.com, which has free shipping to the U.S. Fifteen bucks and change.
Can't wait.
Looks great!
Sweet. Thanks, Seana.
Seana, thanks for the idea.
Thanks for the info, Seana. I have an ongoing relationship with The Book Depository ;-)
You're welcome, everyone. I've had a very good experience with Book Depository. There's only one book they haven't been able to get for me that they listed, which they then notified me about. And luckily for me that one is due out here next week anyway.
Hi folks - Apologies for the radio silence, it's been one of those days ... and thanks to Seana for holding the fort!
By the way, I don't know if it'll be any more or less convenient than Book Depository, but the book will be available from the Liberties Press website, as well as via the traditional outlets.
No idea as of yet as to whether the book will be published in North America; as I understand it, an American publisher is currently taking a long, hard look at it. Needless to say, I'll keep you posted ...
Cheers, Dec
Oh, and Dana - yes, it will most certainly be available on Kindle.
Cheers, Dec
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