I reviewed DARK TIMES almost two years ago now, and had this, among other things, to say:
“Cruelly authentic, the novel refuses the simplistic pieties of either the genre’s form or society’s wishful thinking. DARK TIMES IN THE CITY is a very fine crime novel, but it’s also one of the very few novels of any stripe to hold up a mirror to the dark heart of modern Ireland’s boom-and-bust.”For the rest, clickety-click here …
Elsewhere, by which I mean my own little world, it’s been a busy, funny and often odd week or so. Yesterday, my former agent, who still holds some of the European rights to THE BIG O, rang to say that the contracts for the Italian version of said tome had arrived, and was I available to sign on the dotted line? Erm, yes, please. The money involved, of course, would hardly stretch to cover some decent lattes and a plate of spag bol, but at this stage, money is not the point. It’ll be fantastic to see THE BIG O in Italian, especially as I have a particular fondness for the country, and it also means that I’ll have been translated into three languages, as EIGHTBALL BOOGIE was published in Holland some years ago, under the title SPEEDBALL. The third language I’ve been translated into, as any of my editors will attest, is English.
So that was nice. If you have any Italian friends who might enjoy a crime-comedy romp featuring a one-eyed Siberian wolf called Anna, feel free to give them a heads-up.
Meanwhile, Paul D. Brazill did me proud with a review of the sequel to THE BIG O over at his interweb lair, aka You Would Say That, Wouldn’t You?

“CRIME ALWAYS PAYS is the follow up to Burke’s splendid THE BIG O and it almost actually IS that oxymoron ‘a screwball noir’. There’s a LOT going on, and it does take a bit to get used to the frantic pace, but it’s a satisfying read that still makes you want more. CRIME ALWAYS PAYS: A SCREWBALL NOIR is a cracking, fast paced, clever and very droll road movie with a top drawer cast - especially Sleeps!” - Paul D. BrazillWhich, again, is very nice, and thank you kindly, sir. Funnily enough, Sleeps is probably my favourite character from CRIME ALWAYS PAYS, and at one point I was even thinking of calling the book SLEEPS THE HERO. Sadly, for everyone already fumbling for their credit cards in their rush to secure a copy, the book is only available as an e-book, or as a download to your PC, and will set you back a whopping $1.99. If you’re still determined to read it, however, all the details can be found here …
Finally - and this may cause Ms Witch to prick up her ears, if no one else - I had something of an unusual request last week. In essence, it was from a publisher of children’s books, wondering if I’d like to meet to discuss the possibility of my writing a book for young adults. Now, writing a book for kids has been something that’s been flickering on the very edge of my radar ever since the Princess Lilyput arrived, but I’ve never spent any time thinking seriously about it. Right now, I can’t think of anything else. The idea I hatched has gone forward for consideration, but already I think that I’m going to write the story no matter what the decision is, because I’m entirely enthralled by it. For one thing, it’ll be a massive challenge to write a whole novel without recourse to foul language; for another, it’ll be an equally massive challenge to try to write something that will capture a young reader’s imagination. I have no faith in my ability to achieve either, but I like the idea of trying. Plus, given the rate at which I tend to write and get published, two-year-old Lily should be just the right age to identify with the 13-year-old heroine when the book finally appears. Or, as is far more likely, sneer at it with a carefully honed teenage disaffection …
This teenagers books thing sems to be very 'in' and can only be a good thing, if you ask me. Go for it, as Wham used to say.(Yep, I'm 'down' with the kids: Slimboy Fat, Notorius BFG, Black Eyed beans, Fifty Pence- I love em all)
Good to see the news that Dark Times in the City won this prize, I think Gene Kerrigan's novels are marvellous. Also good to see your own news - I hope the teenage (or YA) book goes well, look forward to hearing more about it.
Great news for both you and Gene. As to your project, yes, YA is very hot right now and what's cool is that a lot more adult readers will read it now as well.
Good luck with the YA novel. As long as there are no vampires, I have two YA / MG readers who would def want a copy.
Much obliged, folks. And I'm hugely impressed by the fact that - despite all evidence to the contrary - you seem to believe that I have the faintest notion of what's 'in' or 'hot' when it comes to selling books.
No vampires, Sean. Or zombies. Or angels. So far I have a 13-year-old girl waking up on the side of a mountain with a hangover, and no idea of how she got there.
Yep, there's me with my finger on the pulse of what's likely to sell yet again ...
Cheers, Dec
Well, this blog brought me to your novels. I loved THE BIG O, and now most of the others sit on my to-be-read shelf, waiting their turn.
I'm always amazed at the little-known gems I discover, some of which eventually make it, and some of which still seem doomed to obscurity. The review of Daniel Woodrell in the current issue of ESQUIRE along with the many positive reviews of the movie WINTER BONE may make his career now. I hope so.
I have always thought that Nanci Kinkaid's AS HOT AS IT WAS SHE OUGHT TO THANK ME was a much, much better novel than THE LOVELY BONES, yet the latter makes it and the former gets no respect, published only in paperback and shelved in the YA sections of most bookstores, despite the underage sexual situations in the novel.
Not enough of the right adults read it to reach a tipping point--this seems the only explanation. That, and the fact that the author's other books never came up to that level of quality, neither before nor after. Novels written about the YA experience are not necessarily aimed at the YA audience.
Many such cases spring to mind.
Richard -
"Novels written about the YA experience are not necessarily aimed at the YA audience."
A fair point, squire, and well worth considering, especially for what I have in mind ...
Cheers, Dec
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