A CITY-CENTRE Dublin hotel, Saturday morning, July 31st. A slim, attractive woman in a silver-blue top with strategically-placed zips, tight jeans and black, heeled boots sits down in a low sofa and starts to speak. She will spill only as many beans as she wants to, and will, occasionally, be as difficult to determine as the stain on a nearby rug.For the rest, clickety-click here …
Half conundrum, full beauty, Irish crime writer and former journalist Alex Barclay is currently sitting atop various bestseller lists with her latest novel, TIME OF DEATH. Her fourth book in a thriller-writing career that commenced six years ago with DARKHOUSE has clearly benefited from her former role as a journalist. Discipline with words, awareness of deadlines, structure, research, and knowing how important beginnings, middles and ends are to stories have filtered down into a writing style that is as trim as Barclay herself.
She won’t give too much of herself away, either, which also comes from her former life of interviewing people and hearing too much personal guff; Barclay sticks to the facts, clear and simple.
How come no one ever mentions how trim I am when they interview me? Or my tight jeans and strategically-placed zips? More to the point, how come no ever wants to interview me?
Oh. ‘Best-seller lists’. Right.
My dear boy, I'd love to interview you! I'll just see when my photographer is free.
Oh, just interview yourself...
This may become a new journalistic form, as nobody ever seems to be able to ask the exact question that will unlock the most interesting answers.
Knowing oneself, the questions and answers should be really to the point.
By the by, I ran a Twitcleaner report yesterday and your Twitter account was among the 41% that was esteemed to be in the "potentially dodgy" category. I wonder, if you had a moment, you could add me to your "follow" list (if I'm not already there) and run Twitcleaner to see if my account is up to scratch, please.
"Dodgy" does not mean "dangerous", btw. It just assesses the number of posts that repeat dull links and do not include fresh, new material.
Don't worry if you can't get round to this, but anybody reading this would be welcome to test my Twitter Anouilh site as well. It could help make the system more engaging.
Your blog continues to be a favourite here.
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