The faithful patiently (and not-so-patiently) awaiting the third Tana French novel,
FAITHFUL PLACE, will have to twiddle yon thumbs a while longer – the novel isn’t due to hit a shelf near you until next July. Boo, etc. The story features Frank Mackey, who was Cassie Maddox’s boss when she went undercover in THE LIKENESS, with Tana describing him thusly:
“He’s a lot of fun to write, because his moral sense isn’t like most people’s. He’s willing to do anything, to himself or to anyone else, in order to get who he’s after. His conscience is not all that developed, and you find out why, in the course of the book. This one spins around family, the way THE LIKENESS spun around identity.”
Colour us intrigued …
This is why I asked about the placement of The Twelve in your pantheon of Irish writing - http://tinyurl.com/ycwu7w2
Hi Lewis - that link just takes me back to the original comment you made - is that intentional?
Cheers, Dec
Oops no, it was supposed to link to your post. Sorry, I will get the hang of this.
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