This review first appeared in TV NOW magazine
“Declan Burke is his own genre. The Lammisters dazzles, beguiles and transcends. Virtuoso from start to finish.” – Eoin McNamee “This bourbon-smooth riot of jazz-age excess, high satire and Wodehouse flamboyance is a pitch-perfect bullseye of comic brilliance.” – Irish Independent Books of the Year 2019 “This rapid-fire novel deserves a place on any bookshelf that grants asylum to PG Wodehouse, Flann O’Brien or Kyril Bonfiglioli.” – Eoin Colfer, Guardian Best Books of the Year 2019 “The funniest book of the year.” – Sunday Independent “Declan Burke is one funny bastard. The Lammisters ... conducts a forensic analysis on the anatomy of a story.” – Liz Nugent “Burke’s exuberant prose takes centre stage … He plays with language like a jazz soloist stretching the boundaries of musical theory.” – Totally Dublin “A mega-meta smorgasbord of inventive language ... linguistic verve not just on every page but every line.” – Irish Times “Above all, The Lammisters gives the impression of a writer enjoying himself. And so, dear reader, should you.” – Sunday Times “A triumph of absurdity, which burlesques the literary canon from Shakespeare, Pope and Austen to Flann O’Brien … The Lammisters is very clever indeed.” – The Guardian
Nice review. My resolution, in accordance with Moore's will of not watching the Watchmen (movie) is shaking.
Marco - Bear in mind that I haven't read the graphic novel, so maybe I'm easily impressed ... But the last time I walked away from a cinema feeling bushwhacked and gobsmacked by a movie, it was 'The Matrix'.
Cheers, Dec
I was neither gobsmacked nor bushwhacked by "The Matrix." More like hornswoggled, really. But "Watchmen" did impress me as a graphic novel, and I'll likely see the movie.
Two points in the movie's favor: I have read that it dispensed with one element of the story that seemed to me would have been exceedingly difficult to work in, and the clips I've seen are visually faithful to the book.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
I had a nagging feeling throughout the movie that the they chose the wrong girl for the (younger) Silk Spectre; all the other character choices were perfect tho
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