Another week, another giveaway, and this time your generous benefactors are the good folk at Hachette Ireland, who are offering three copies of Andrew Nugent’s latest novel, SOUL MURDER. First the blurb elves:
When a house master is found dead at a leading boys’ boarding school in Ireland, Superintendent Denis Lennon and Sergeant Molly Power of the Irish Police Force struggle to uncover any probable motive for this brutal killing. Perhaps it was a bungled kidnapping attempt? Or a revenge attack? Or simple robbery but with extreme malice? But when the existence of a letter from an old boy is discovered, their investigation becomes much more complicated. Something very sinister has provoked this violent bloodshed and, with so much at stake, will the killer stop at one murder?
Erm, probably not. To be in with a chance of winning a copy of
SOUL MURDER, just answer the following question.
Is the appropriate way to address a Benedictine monk:
(a) Brother;
(b) Father;
(c) Your Monkness;
(d) With a valid stamp on the top-right corner.
Answers via the comment box please, leaving an email contact with an (at) rather than @ to confuse the spam-munchkins, before noon on Wednesday, October 22.
Et bon chance, mes amis …
Now that would be (a), unless, of course, the monk is also a priest, in which case he may be called 'Dom' or 'Father'. It helps to live up the road from a Benedictine abbey. Good wishes to you as always, Brother Dec.
pamos1949 (at) hotmail.com
(a) is the answer there, Declan. Thanks!
darraghdoyle [at] gmail [dot] com
Is the appropriate way to address a Benedictine monk:
c) Your Monkness
By the way, is this Monk from, you know, that TV show?
Dude I'm not Catholic. But I'm guessing a) Brother?
It could be any of 'em as far as I know though.
norby871 (at) yahoo.com
Not my strongest subject, but I'm going for A.
I'm in for an A, but I would have chosen 'Dude' if it had only been available.
Everybody can give you the right answer,but from now on I'll only address them with
c) Your Monkness
for a monk who is not a priest use the title "Brother"
once he has made vows is called "Dom"
If a monk is also a priest he is called "Father"
Many thanks for the info, Heartbeatoz; it's nice to know there's at least one religiously informed reader on board.
No one's going with the 'stamp on the top-right corner' option, then?
Cheers, Dec
Well,let's say I'm in Belgium,in one of the Breweries run by Benedectine Trappist Monks like Chimay or Westvleteren.
Wouldnt have much sense using envelopes to communicate,no?
But after a sip or twenty,I can totally see myself using Your Monkness.
And I imagine I would just call a monk, 'Dude' if I ever ran into one. Like in "Dude, what's with the sack cloth?" or "Dude, what's up with the bowl cut?"
Considering that there are both brothers and sisters in the Benedictine Order, lets go for (a) Brother.
I will vote for (a).
Best wishes, Helga
helgabk (at) gmail.com
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