It’s a good week for
Sir Kenneth of Bruen, people – LONDON BOULEVARD has just been short-listed for the SNCF ‘Best Foreign Crime Novel’ award in France (ooh la-la, etc.). Nice one, Sir Kenneth. To celebrate, we’re giving away – courtesy of the lovely folk at Brandon Books – three hardback copies of
AMERICAN SKIN for free, gratis and nuffink. First, the blurb elves:
Stephen Blake is a good man blown in bad directions. He and girlfriend Siobhan, best friend Tommy, IRA terrorist Stapleton, and a particularly American sort of psychopath named Dade, are all on a collision course somewhere between the dive bars of New York and the pitiless desert of the Southwest. This is the long-awaited American novel by Ken Bruen, the hard-boiled master of Irish noir.
Nice. To be in with a chance of winning a copy of AMERICAN SKIN, just answer the following question.
Is Ken Bruen’s rock ‘n’ roll alter-ego:
(a) Iggy Pop;
(b) Keith Richards;
(c) Kris Kristofferson;
(d) Jerry Lee Lewis?
Answers via the comment box, please, leaving an email contact address (using (at) rather than @ to confound the spam-munchkins) by noon on Tuesday, September 30.
Et bon chance, mes amis …
Iggy Pop, I reckon...
Arrrgh! Want that!
I'll go with (d), Jerry Lee Lewis.
I'll go with Iggy b/c he is the one I like better and his music is "noirisher".
I'll be the first to say it -- he's totally Kris Kristofferson!
blindenmuth at gmail dot com
It's got to be Iggy
rawsonkeith (at)gmail dot com
I believe it to be Kieth Richards, if I remember a particularly funny scene in SLIDE correctly. :)
I reckon I'd go with Iggy Pop as well.
forbyone (AT) yahoo (dot) com
I'd go with (c) - Ken Bruen is the wisened gentleman of crime fiction. He's not loud and he's not brash. He's just damn good.
I vote for a, b, c and d... at least I´d be right on one account:)
helgabk at gmail.com
Ah, Stuart, tell me you didn't just misspell Keith?
To Keith: Ah. I did, didn't I? I shall stand in the corner for an hour and think about what I've done.
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