Sandra Ruttan at
Spinetingler Magazine was kind enough to review our humble offering
THE BIG O, and once we winkled out all the quibbles, ho-hums and snorts of disbelief that to our mind rather ruined the overall effect, we were left with the following, to wit:
“Burke shows remarkable skill at weaving a complex story from multiple points of view and pulling the strands together in an engaging fashion, and he clearly has the genius required to pull off a large-scale story … The emphasis is not on technical accuracy in terms of police procedure or organized crime. Capers are wild stories with a humorous edge, and THE BIG O delivers in spades, so plan for a healthy chunk of time, kick back with a few margaritas and indulge in Burke’s dark comedy – this is an author with a lot of promise, well worth taking note of, and I’m looking forward to his next book.”
Incidentally, eagle-eyed readers will have noted that Declan Burke is lined up to contribute to Sandra Ruttan’s new website
At Central Booking, which yet again raises
the spectre of bias, log-rolling and generalised back-scratchery. For more on this topic, jump
here and
I don't know; I don't think margaritas are necessary. In fact, I would not hesitate to recommend the book to wine or beer drinkers or even teetotalers.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Whatever works, my friend -- who's complaining? Not me!
Margaritas are always necessary, Peter ... and as long as Maxine is happy, God is in His heaven.
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