Yes, it’s true that Team Liberties Press went along more in hope than expectation, but even so, it would have been nice to win. The good news is that Alan Glynn is one of life’s good guys; and while that really shouldn’t matter, it kind of does. The guy is a gentleman, in all senses of the word, and I was very pleased indeed to see him ascending the steps to pick up his award.
Just as importantly, or more importantly at the moment, perhaps, BLOODLAND is a terrific novel, and a very worthy winner of the award. I reviewed said tome on these pages a couple of weeks ago; if you’ve yet to read it, I humbly suggest you do so as soon as your TBR list allows.
Meanwhile, spare a thought for Jane Casey. She’s been shortlisted for the prize two years in a row now, and has left empty-handed on both occasions. Here’s hoping that next year will be her year …
As for the evening itself, I had an absolutely smashing time. It was terrific, as always, to catch up with the likes of Alan and Jane, and Bill Ryan, and to meet Casey Hill - aka Melissa and Kevin Hill - for the first time. Arlene Hunt was there too, and Bob Johnston of the Gutter Bookshop; I met with Sarah Webb, and briefly got to congratulate Sarah Carey, whose THE REAL REBECCA won the Young Adult award; the inimitable Vanessa O’Loughlin of was there; and the marvellous Margaret Daly, and Cormac Kinsella and Declan Heeney, valiant soldiers in the book-promotion business all. I also got to meet, very briefly, with one of my childhood heroes, Ronnie Whelan, formerly of Ireland and Liverpool FC - and when I say ‘meet’, I mean I barged up to him, grabbed his hand, and muttered something about being a huge fan when I was a kid. All very embarrassing, of course, moreso for Ronnie than myself, probably, but a real thrill all the same. They really don’t make them like Ronnie Whelan anymore.
And then there was our own table, which was for the most part taken up by the Team Liberties, including Caroline Lambe, Alice Dawson, Daniel Bolger and publisher Sean O’Keefe. The craic, as they say, was only mighty, and great fun was had by all, and I was delighted that they all turned up mob-handed to lend their support and enjoy the night in their own right. It was a pity we couldn’t take away an award to reward their faith and commitment to ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL, but then, you can’t have everything, and we did get tiramisu, and a very strong rumour that AZC will be published in India in the near future. So these things do even out in the end.
So there you have it. The heartiest of warm congratulations to Alan Glynn on his well deserved win last night, and upward and onward for the rest of us. There is, after all, next year to look forward to.
Meanwhile, here’s a wee taste of what Ronnie Whelan was capable of, with THAT goal against Russia at Euro ’88. Roll it there, Collette …
Gracious as ever, Mr Burke. Huge congratulations on all the successes AZC has garnered so far (and long may the good fortune continue). And I hope the trend of true gentlemen and/or ladies winning continues as it'll up your chances significantly in all future endeavours.
Keep 'er lit.
Mighty fine. I've read and reviewed both WINTERLAND and THE DARK FIELDS earlier this year, but haven't yet purchased a copy of BLOODLAND.
I guess I was hoping to obtain a promotional copy somehow. I may be able to find a copy soon and read it by the end of the month, coming up fast. But maybe not.
I wish you and the Liberty Press folks success going forward. The quality of crime fiction is everywhere on the riae and it must be enthralling to even be in the hunt.
I know AZC has a following here when I start to tell someone about it and they answer with, "Gosh, I read that one too. A hell of a novel."
Sorry for your disappointment, but I'm happy you enjoyed yourself and your friends. So much talent in one room!
I think the set up of this probably guaranteed Glynn's win. But that said, I certainly couldn't begrudge him his win, based on the earlier two that won so far.
I keep thinking about Flann O'Brien and the sad fate of The Third Policeman, which, after it was rejected, he mistakenly thought was another miss, and so, humiliated by failure, he pretended that it had disappeared.
We are very lucky that AZC has had quite a different trajectory, and has not been left subject to the author's doubts, but has made it out to the world where other people can evaluate it, and judge it, and love it.
Congratulations, Mr. Burke.
Whoops. I meant the earlier two books of Glynn's that I had read so far.
Much obliged for all the kind words, folks. It would have been nice to win on the night, of course, because we'd made it that far, although the hard work was done when the book was nominated, I think - especially when you consider all the very fine novels that didn't make the shortlist.
And it's worth repeating that BLOODLAND is a very fine novel.
Cheers, Dec
Thank you for the kind thought! A second year of dressing up and enjoying fine company such as yourself was no hardship, and I think Alan was a worthy winner - but I'd have been delighted to celebrate if it had been you. Or indeed me. If I have to be the Beryl Bainbridge of the IBAs, so be it...
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